Aditi Singh Mrs India Earth 2018

Married to army officer who is commanding in valleys ,my journey was way different!I belong to Ballia and currently settled in Delhi.
This Pageant was not an ordinary pageant but a Pageant with a purpose.
49 contestants from all across not only India but worldwide had appeared out of which 3 were crowned in general category and 3 in classic category (40 plus age).I bagged the main crown in general category.
Frankly,we are mistaken if we just consider the beauty part as it was way beyond it.Girls were all qualified doctors,I.T heads,engineers and officers of army and Air Force.
In short,it was way ahead than any of the people who attended ever thought of .
It was a 3 day stay at ITC welcome Dwarka,Delhi.
The contestants were grilled for those three days on various grounds including talent round and sports round.There were many instructors also who showed their presence in those three days including life time coach,skin and personal grooming classes by The to Guns in the respective fields.
The show was organised by Vinay Yadawa and Ritika Vinay Asia Pacific.The host of the show was Aman Verma who definitely the glamor to the show
Last but not the least as a Pageant winner I would say it’s a Pageant which has way to go as it’s already  made its mark by making sure that the best of the contestants participating in it.


डिस्क्लेमर (अस्वीकरण) : देवभूमि मीडिया.कॉम हर पक्ष के विचारों और नज़रिए को अपने यहां समाहित करने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध है। यह जरूरी नहीं है कि हम यहां प्रकाशित सभी विचारों से सहमत हों। लेकिन हम सबकी अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी के अधिकार का समर्थन करते हैं। ऐसे स्वतंत्र लेखक,ब्लॉगर और स्तंभकार जो देवभूमि मीडिया.कॉम के कर्मचारी नहीं हैं, उनके लेख, सूचनाएं या उनके द्वारा व्यक्त किया गया विचार उनका निजी है, यह देवभूमि मीडिया.कॉम का नज़रिया नहीं है और नहीं कहा जा सकता है। ऐसी किसी चीज की जवाबदेही या उत्तरदायित्व देवभूमि मीडिया.कॉम का नहीं होगा। धन्यवाद !

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