उत्तराखंड राज्य को मिला ”बेस्ट फ़िल्म फ़्रेंडली” राज्य का अवार्ड

66वें राष्ट्रीय फ़िल्म पुरस्कार :दूसरे साल राज्य को मिला सम्मान
मुख्यमंत्री त्रिवेंद्र रावत के प्रयासों से लगातार दूसरी बार राज्य को मिला यह सम्मान
देवभूमि मीडिया ब्यूरो
नई दिल्ली : उत्तराखंड को एक बार फिर ”बेस्ट फ़िल्म फ़्रेंडली” स्टेट का अवॉर्ड मिला है यह ख़बर फ़िल्म निर्माताओं और फिल्म प्रेमियों के लिए अच्छी है। शुक्रवार को दिल्ली में शास्त्री भवन में 66वें राष्ट्रीय फ़िल्म पुरस्कारों का ऐलान हुआ तो राज्यों की सूची में सबसे पहला नाम उत्तराखंड का रहा। मुख्यमंत्री त्रिवेन्द्र सिंह रावत के नेतृत्व में प्रदेश ने यह अवार्ड जीता है।
इस अवसर पर मुख्यमंत्री त्रिवेंद्र सिंह रावत ने ट्वीट सन्देश में कहा कि ”फिल्मकारों को शूटिंग के लिए अनुदान की व्यवस्था है। शूटिंग प्रपोजल्स को सिंगल विंडो क्लीयरेंस दी जा रही है।शूटिंग के लिए जो शुल्क लिया जाता था उसे माफ़ कर दिया गया है। यही वजहें हैं कि मार्च 2017 के बाद 200 से ज्यादा फिल्मों/सीरियल्स/डॉक्यूमेंट्री की शूटिंग उत्तराखंड में हुई है।”
सबसे महत्वपूर्व बात यह है कि उत्तराखंड राज्य ने लगातार दूसरे साल यह पुरस्कार जीता है। पिछले कुछ सालों में उत्तराखंड में कई बड़ी फ़िल्मों की शूटिंग हुई है जिनमें रजनीकांत जैसे मेगा स्टार की फ़िल्म भी शामिल है। मीटर गुल बत्ती चालू की ज़्यादातर शूटिंग टिहरी में ही हुई है।
फ़ीचर फ़िल्म कैटेगरी में 31 अवार्ड दिए जाते हैं। इस साल इनके लिए 419 फ़िल्मों की एंट्री आई थी। 7 सदस्यीय ज्यूरी ने 45 दिन में इनकी स्क्रीनिंग कर फ़ैसला किया। बेस्ट फ़िल्म फ़्रेंडली स्टेट कैटेगरी के लिए 18 राज्यों ने आवेदन किया था। ज्यूरी को इनमें उत्तराखंड का आवेदन सबसे मज़बूत लगा।
पिछले कुछ सालों में उत्तर भारत के राज्यों में कश्मीर में आतंकवाद के चलते फिल्मों की शूटिंग के लिए मुफीद न होने के बाद देश में बनने वाली फिल्मों की अधिकाँश शूटिंग विदेशों में होनी शुरू हो गयी। वर्ष 2017 में भाजपा की सरकार के सत्ता में आने और त्रिवेंद्र सिंह रावत के मुख्यमंत्री इ रूप में शपथ लेने के बाद से ही मुख्यमंत्री ने खुद फिल्मों की शूटिंग उत्तराखंड में हो इस पर अपना ध्यान केंद्रित किया और वे खुद ही बॉलीवुड के फिल्म निर्माताओं की चौखट तक गए और उन्होंने फिल्मनिर्माताओं और फिल्मकारों को उत्तराखंड में शूटिंग के लिए आमंत्रित किया। इसके बाद फिल्मकारों ने उत्तराखंड को फिल्मों की शूटिंग के लिए चुनना शुरू किया।
इसके बाद उत्तराखंड फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री के फ़ेवरेट डेस्टिनेशन के रूप में उभरा है। बत्ती गुल-मीटर चालू, केदारनाथ जैसी चर्चित फ़िल्मों की ज़्यादातर शूटिंग राज्य में हुई है तो दक्षिण भारतीय फ़िल्मकारों की नज़रों में भी उत्तराखंड की ख़ूबसूरती छा गई है। मेगा स्टार रजनीकांत ने की एक फ़िल्म की शूटिंग राज्य में हुई है तो बाहुबली के निर्देशक एसएस राजामौली भी उत्तराखंड शूटिंग के लिए आए हैं।
इनके अलावा अजय देवगन प्रोडक्शन द्वारा निर्मित हिन्दी फिल्म ‘शिवाय’, तिग्मांशु धूलिया निर्देशित राग देश, तेलगु फिल्म ‘ब्रहमोत्सवम’, हिन्दी फिल्म ‘शुभ मंगल सावधान’, ‘स्टूडेंट ऑफ द इयर-2’, जॉन इब्राहिम की ‘परमाणु’, ‘रायफलमैन जसबंत सिंह रावत’ के साथ ही मराठी फिल्म ‘फुर्र’ उत्तराखंड में शूट हुई फ़िल्मों में उल्लेखनीय हैं।
Uttarakhand declared Most Film Friendly State
Posted On: 09 AUG 2019 4:41PM by PIB Delhi
The 66th National Film Awards were announced in a press conference today by Shri Rahul Rawail, Chairperson, Feature Film Category; Shri AS Kanal, Chairperson, Non-Feature Film Category and Shri Utpal Borpujari, Chairperson, Best Writing on Cinema. The Chairpersons and other Jury Members earlier today submitted a report on 66th National Film Awards to Union Minister Shri Prakash Javadekar.
Gujarati film ‘Hellaro’ was declared Best Feature Film winner while ‘Badhai Ho’ bagged the award for Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment. Hindi movie ‘Padman’ was declared Best Film on Social Issues, while Kannada film ‘Ondalla Eradalla’ got Nargis Dutt Award for Best Feature Film on National Integration.
Ayushman Khurana and Vicky Kaushal jointly won Best Actor Award for their performances in ‘Andhadhun’ and ‘Uri: The Surgical Strike’, while Keerthy Suresh was declared winner of Best Actress trophy for her performance in Telugu movie ‘Mahanati’. Aditya Dhar won Best Director Award for ‘Uri: The Surgical Strike’. Marathi movie Naal got the Indira Gandhi Award for Best Debut Film of a Director.
Uttarakhand was declared the Most Film Friendly State.
The list of Award winners under the different categories is mentioned as under:
Feature Films Section
S.No. | Title of Film | Name Of Film | Awardee | Medal
& Cash Prize |
Citation |
Best Feature Film | HELLARO (Gujarati) | Producer: Saarthi Productions LLP
Director: Abhishek Shah
Swarna Kamal and
Rs. 2,50,000 (each) |
The film is a strong statement on women empowerment against patriarchal Society. |
Indira Gandhi Award for Best Debut Film of a Director | NAAL (Marathi)
Producer: Mrudhgandh Films LLP
Director: Sudhakar Reddy Yakkanti
Swarna Kamal and Rs.1,25,000 (each) | The film is a poignant message about the ethics of adoption, told through a child’s perspective. |
Award for Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment | BADHAAI HO (Hindi)
Producer: Junglee Pictures Limited
Director: Amit Sharma
Swarna Kamal and
Rs. 2,00,000/- (each) |
The film breaks the stereotype of middle age pregnancy through easy narrative, effective characterization and pithy dialogues. |
Nargis Dutt Award for Best Feature Film on National Integration | ONDALLA ERADALLA (Kannada)
Producer: D N Cinemas
Director: Satya Prakash D
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 1,50,000/- (each) |
The film tries to break political and religious divide through the eye of a child. |
Best Film on Social Issues | PADMAN (Hindi)
Producer: Hope Productions Pvt. Ltd.
Director: R. Balki
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 1,50,000/- (each) |
An undiscussed social issue of women’s personal hygiene narrated compellingly and with aplomb. |
Best Film on Environment Conservation/Preservation | PAANI (Marathi)
Producer: Purple Pebble Pictures
Director: Addinath Kothare
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 1,50,000/- (each) |
The film traces the story of a dry and parched village that comes together to generate their most valuable resource – Water. |
Producer : Rishab Shetty Films
Director: Rishab Shetty
Swarna Kamal and
Rs. 1,50,000/- (each) |
The film effectively portrays the positive action of children to tackle the issue of language politics in schools located on State borders. |
Best Direction | URI : THE SURGICAL STRIKE (Hindi)
Director: Aditya Dhar
Swarna Kamal and
Rs. 2,50,000/- |
The challenge of telling a true story of military action in a realistic manner is dealt with utmost clarity and effectiveness |
Best Actor (Shared) | ANDHADHUN (Hindi)
Ayushmann Khurrana
Vicky Kaushal
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 50,000/- (Shared) |
Powerful execution of a complex role of ‘now blind & now not blind’ character.
For effectively conveying a realistic character of an army officer.
Best Actress | MAHANATI (Telugu)
Keerthy Suresh | Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 50,000/-
For a range of emotions across vast span of time. |
Best Supporting Actor | CHUMBAK (Marathi)
Supporting Actor:Swanand Kirkire
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 50,000/- |
For the ability to invoke empathy in the audience.
Best Supporting Actress | BADHAAI HO (Hindi) | Supporting Actress: Surekha Sikri
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 50,000/- |
A compelling performance as a Matriarch with a modern attitude. |
Best Child Artist | ONDALLA ERADALLA
HARJEETA (Punjabi)
HAMID (Urdu)
NAAL (Marathi)
P V Rohith
Sameep Singh
Talha Arshad Reshi
Shrinivas Pokale
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 50,000/- |
For impishly manoeuvering through a series of events, while staying focused on his character.
For effectively depicting the struggle of a Hockey player to rise from his rural roots.
For the poise in the character depicting a range of emotions.
For performing effortlessly through complicated emotions. |
Best Male Playback Singer | PADMAAVAT (Hindi) | Arijit Singh
Song “ Binte Dil Misriya mein …. ”
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 50,000/-
For unique tonal quality of voice with perfect blend of emotion and technique. |
Best Female Playback Singer | NATHICHARAMI (Kannada) | Bindhu Malini
Song “ Maayavi Manave…..”
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 50,000/-
For rendering a haunting melody that appears to be the voice of the conscience of the protagonist. |
Best Cinematography | OLU (Malayalam)
Cameraman: M J Radhakrishnan
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 50,000/- |
Different landscapes, elements and texture come alive to bring a sense of beauty and grace. |
Best Screenplay | CHI ARJUN LA SOW
TARIKH (Bengali)
Screenplay writer (original):
Rahul Ravindran
Screenplay writer (adapted): Sriram Raghavan , Arijit Biswas, Yogesh Chandekar, Hemant Rao & Pooja Ladha Surti
Dialogue Writer: Churni Ganguly
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 50,000/- (each) |
The screenplay is modern take on the traditional custom of arranged marriage.
Crisp and intriguing story that keeps the audiences on tenterhooks.
Deep meaningful conversations that explore interpersonal relationships. |
Best Audiography | TENDLYA (Marathi)
Location Sound Recordist (for sync sound films only) :
Gaurav Verma
Sound Designer : Bishwadeep Dipak Chatterjee
Re- recordist of the final mixed track: Raja Krishnan M.R
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 50,000/- (each) |
The flavour and mood of the small town is vastly enhanced by the ambient aural quality.
An orchestra of created as well as recorded aural dimensions.
Playing with beauty and essence of the tonal quality of the silence. |
Best Editing | NATHICHARAMI (Kannada) | Editor:
Nagendra K Ujjani
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 50,000/- |
Crisp and smooth transition between different characters is a hallmark. |
Best Production Design | KAMMARA SAMBHAVAM (Malayalam) | Production Designer:
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 50,000/- |
Preparing relevant terrains and sets of different periods and cultures.
Best Costume Designer | MAHANATI (Telugu) | Costume Director:
Indrakshi Pattanaik, Gaurang Shah & Archana Rao
Rajat Kamal and Rs.50,000/- | Evolution of costumes in the Telugu film industry from Black & White era to modern times. |
Best Make-up Artist | AWE (Telugu) | Make-up Artist:
Ranjith |
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 50,000/- |
For bringing out the texture of each face and giving personality to every character.
Best Music Direction | PAADMAAVAT (Hindi)
Music Director (Songs):
Sanjay Leela Bhansali
Music Director (Background Music): Shashwat Sachdev
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 50,000/- (each) |
All the songs lift the mood of the film and give a different dimension to the narrative.
The background score excels in providing the right atmosphere for the film. |
Best Lyrics | NATHICHARAMI (Kannada) | Lyricist: Manjunatha S (Manasor)
Song “ Maayavi Manave….”
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 50,000/- |
Revolutionary thoughts strung together to convey the innermost feelings of a young woman ready to break societal shackles. |
Special Jury Award | HELLARO (Gujarati)
KEDARA (Bengali) |
Actresses : Shraddha Dangar, Shachi Joshi, Denisha Ghumra, Neelam Paanchal, Tarjani Bhadla, Brinda Nayak, Tejal Panchasara, Kaushambi Bhatt, Ekta Bachwani, Kamini Panchal, Jagruti Thakore, Riddhi Yadav & Prapti Mehta
Director : Indradip Dasgupta
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 2,00,000/- (Shared) |
For the ability of a group of rural women characters, acting as a unit, to bring about social transformation while taking the audience through an emotional catharsis.
For using a range of Cinematic Techniques and Methodology to explore one single main character in a limited space. |
Best Special Effects | AWE (Telugu)
KGF (Kannada) |
Srushti Creative Studio
Unifi Media
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 50,000/- (Shared) |
For the dexterity and finesse in bringing to a cohesive conclusion multiple stories and characters in a visually effective manner.
The film successfully and convincingly creates an era of a rough neighborhood, during the 80s.
Best Choreography | PADMAAVAT (Hindi) | Kruti Mahesh Madya
& Jyoti Tomar
Song: Ghoomar
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 50,000/- (Shared)
Exquisite delicate movements synchronized beautifully, creating a visual treat. |
Best Action Direction Award (Stunt Choreography) | KGF (Kannada)) | Vikram More
& Anbu Ariv |
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 50,000/- (Shared) |
A mono chromatic and visceral display of power struggle. |
Best Feature Film in each of the language specified in the Schedule VIII of the Constitution | |||||
Best Gujarati Film
REVA | Producer: Brainbox Studios
Director: Rahul Surendrabhai Bhole & Vinit Kumar Ambubhai Kanojiya |
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 1,00,000/-
Rajat Kamal and Rs. 1,00,000/- (Shared) |
The film depicts the transformation from material to spiritual journey of an NRI. |
Best Punjabi Film
HARJEETA | Producer: Sizzlin Productions
Director: Vijay Kumar Arora
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 1,00,000/- (each) |
A biopic of a Hockey player, who struggles through his rural background and poverty to rise to the top of his game. |
Best Assamese Film
BULBUL CAN SING | Producer: Flying River Films
Director: Rima Das |
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 1,00,000/- (each) |
For capturing the trials, tribulations and aspirations of a group of teenagers in rural Assamese backdrop. |
Best Konkani Film
AMORI | Producer: Opus Ga La
Director: Dinesh P Bhonsle |
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 1,00,000/- (each) |
An individual’s effort and struggle to correct and overcome a past event. |
Best Kannada Film
NATHICHARAMI | Producer: Tejaswini Enterprises
Director: Manjunatha S. (Mansore) |
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 1,00,000/- (each) |
Poignantly and sensitively capturing a modern day women’s conflict with set norms, mores and values. |
Best Telugu Film | MAHANATI | Producer: Swapna Cinema
Director: Nag Ashwin |
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 1,00,000/- (each) |
Biopic of a great Telugu actress effectively told. |
Best Malayalam Film
SUDANI FROM NIGERIA | Producer: The Happy Hours Entertainments
Director: Zakariya |
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 1,00,000/- (each) |
With a backdrop of sports, the film explores the complexity of emotions in a mother-son relationship. |
Best Bengali Film
EK JE CHHILO RAJA | Producer: SVF Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.
Director: Srijit Mukherjee |
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 1,00,000/- (each) |
Based on a true story, the film traces the journey of a Maharaja through his quest for identity. |
Best Urdu Film
HAMID | Producer: Saregama India Limited
Director: Aijaz Khan |
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 1,00,000/- (each) |
A child’s perspective of religion and life, as he searches for his lost father. |
Best Hindi Film
ANDHADHUN | Producer: Matchbox Pictures Pvt. Ltd.
Director: Sriram Raghavan |
The film is a judicious mix of intrigue and creativity. | |
Best Tamil Film
BAARAM | Producer: Reckless Roses
Director: Priya Krishnaswamy |
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 1,00,000/- (each) |
A man’s fight to expose the traditional practice of euthanasia in a Tamil village. |
Best Marathi Film
BHONGA | Producer: Nalinee Productions
Director: Shivaji Lotan Patil |
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 1,00,000/- (each) |
The film contrasts spirituality with mindless ritualism. |
Best Feature Film in each of the languages other than those specified in Schedule VIII of the Constitution | ||||
Best Garo Film
MA’AMA | Producer: Anna Films
Director: Dominic Sangma |
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 1,00,000/- (each) |
The film follows an old man’s relentless quest for a reunion with his dead wife. |
Best Sherdukpan Film
MISHING | Producer: BB Entertainment Trade Private Limited
Director: Bobby Sarma Baruah |
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 1,00,000/- (each) |
The film explores the alternate reality of a remote village in Arunachal Pradesh. |
Best Pangchenpa Film
IN THE LAND OF POISON WOMEN | Producer: Aaas Productions
Director: Manju Borah |
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 1,00,000/- (each) |
The film is a depiction of an individual’s effort to break the myth of ‘poison women’ in a remote part of Arunachal Pradesh. |
Best Rajasthani Film
TURTLE | Producer: Shivazza Films & Entertainment
Director: Dinesh S Yadav
Rajat Kamal and
Rs. 1,00,000/- (each) |
Based on a popular Rajasthani folk tale, the film deals with the issue of water crisis. |
Special Mention | NATHICHARAMI (Kannada)
KADAKH (Hindi)
JOSEPH (Malayalam)
Sruthi Hariharan (Actress)
Chandrachoor Rai (Actor)
Joju George (Actor)
Savithri (Actress) |
Certificate | For the complex and nuanced portrayal of a new age Indian woman.
Effective depiction of the emotions of an agitated husband.
For a convincing portrayal of a vigilante, who busts a “ Human organ” racket.
For subtly portraying the emotions of a mother. |
Non-Feature Films Section
S.No. | Name of Award | Title of Film | Awardee | Medal
& Cash Prize |
Citation |
The Secret Life of Frogs |
Producer:V2 Films & Design Pvt. Ltd.
Director :Vibha Bakshi
Producer:Bedi Universal
Director :Ajay Bedi & Vijay Bedi
Rs 1,50,000/- each |
For its powerful portrayal of the mindset and effects of female infanticide, one of the country’s most heinous mass crimes, and for portraying the courage of those who stand to fight against it where it is most prevalent.
For telling the tale, with profundity and beauty, of one of the world’s most unique and hitherto neglected amphibians. |
BEST DEBUT NON-FEATURE FILM OF A DIRECTOR | Feluda_50 Years Rays Detective | Producer & Director :Sagnik Chatterjee
Rs 75,000/- each |
For springing to life and celebrating Satyajit Ray’s most popular fictional character, with depth and aesthetic, across varied media. |
BEST ARTS and CULTURE FILM | Bunkar: The Last of The Varanasi Weavers | Producer:Narrative Pictures & S apana Sharma
Director :Satyaprakash Upadhyay |
Rs 50,000/- each |
For it’s rich, textured tapestry of the history, life, craft and art of the traditional Varanasi weaver, and their cultured dignity in the face of numerous challenges.
G.D.Naidu : The Edison Of India | Producer:Films Division
Director :Renjith Kumar |
Rs 50,000/- each |
For its portrayal of GD Naidu’s incisive mind and extraordinary life, spotlighting the inspirational range of his scientific inventions.
BEST PROMOTIONAL FILM | Rediscovering Jajam | Producer:Rachel Bracken Singh
Director :Avinash Maurya & Kriti Gupta
Rs 50,000/- each |
For effectively promoting the traditional craft of Jajam, (a spread textile), inextricably woven within the social fabric of local communities in Rajasthan, now fading with time. |
BEST ENVIRONMENT FILM | The World’s Most Famous Tiger | Producer:Natural History Unit India
Director :Subbiah Nallamuthu
Rs 50,000/- each |
For capturing the life and extraordinary legacy of Machli, the erstwhile Queen of Ranthambore, and her part in regenerating tiger population that helps keep the forest alive. |
BEST FILM ON SOCIAL ISSUES | Taala Te Kunjee | Producer:Simardeep Singh Bhatia
Director :Shilpi Gulati
Rs 50,000/- each |
For empathetically shining a light on the recovery of addicts and the role of loved ones, while quietly yet potently depicting the destruction that substance abuse brings to home and family. |
Sarala Virala | Producer:Sujatha H R
Director :Eregowda
Rs 50,000/- each
For highlighting the fundamentals of organic living through the life of L Narayan Reddy, whose simplicity, philosophy and knowledge is an example for others to follow, especially the young. |
BEST FILM ON SPORTS | Swimming Through The Darkness | Producer:Perspective
Director :Supriyo Sen |
Rs 50,000/- each |
For thoughtfully portraying the challenges and life-quest of its visually impaired swimmer, as he indefatigably pursues his sport, his dreams and desires, through impeding darkness. |
BEST INVESTIGATIVE FILM | Amoli | Producer:Culture Machine Media Pvt. Ltd.
Director :Jasmine Kaur Roy & Avinash Roy |
Rs 50,000/- each |
For its gritty examination of why and how young girls are coerced into commercial sex work, destroying their lives and minds, and for depicting their courage to survive. |
Why Me? – Director
Ekaant – Art Direction |
Director :Harish Shah
Art Director : Neeraj Singh
Rs 1,00,000/- each
For the tenor of the director’s indomitable spirit, even as throat cancer claims his voice.
For its surrealistic design and imagery of a bleak, impending catastrophe. |
Kharvas | Producer:Shree Mahalasa Productions Ponda
Director :Aditya Suhas Jambhale |
Rs 50,000/- each |
For its production, direction and powerful performances in engagingly telling the story of how the psyche may implode and then heal, through an unleashing of trauma |
Chalo Jeete Hain | Producer:Sundial Ventures Pvt. Ltd.
Director :Mangesh Hadawale |
Rs 50,000/- each |
For highlighting, through its young protagonist, the humanitarian value of how one may live for others, beyond one’s own self. |
BEST DIRECTION | Aai Shappath | Director :Gautam Vaze | Swarna Kamal
Rs 1,50,000/-each
For its unpretentious execution and sensitive treatment of an anxious eight-year-old, gripped by the fear of a false promise. |
BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY | The Secret Life of Frogs | Cameraman:Ajay Bedi &
Vijay Bedi |
Rs 50,000/- |
For its consistent, relentless and splendid work in formidable circumstances, of visually capturing the life cycle and habitat of an endangered amphibian. |
BEST ON-LOCATION SOUND RECORDIST | The Secret Life of Frogs | On location sound recordist :Ajay Bedi | RAJAT Kamal
Rs 50,000/- |
For uniformly capturing the delicate sounds of its tiny protagonists and of the wild and unpredictable environs they inhabit. |
BEST AUDIOGRAPHY | Children of The Soil | Re-recordist (final mixed track) :Bishwadeep Chatterjee
Rs 50,000/- each |
For potently bringing to life, through sound design, every element in this poignant tale of farmer suicides. |
Son Rise | Editor :Hemanti Sarkar
Rs 50,000/- each |
For its faultless pace and seamless structure in drawing the viewer into the depth and gravity of the film’s focus, through varied space, location and time. |
BEST MUSIC DIRECTION | Jyoti | Music Director:Kedar Divekar | RAJAT Kamal
Rs 50,000/- |
For its use of folk and traditional verse and music to suitably build on this 19th century tale of women’s education. |
BEST NARRATION/ VOICE OVER | Madhubani – The Station of Colours | Deepak Agnihotri
& Urvija Upaddhyay |
Rs 50,000/- each |
For narrating, with conviction and eloquence, the unique story of Madhubani folk art and its use in the town’s railway station.
Director :Sagar Puranik
Director :Ramana Dumpala
Director : Sameer Sadhwani & Kishor Sadhwani |
CERTIFICATE (Each) | For portraying the power of the patriotic spirit, and infusing it across generations.
For the Director’s amazing find and crisp portrayal of Hema Sane – author, philosopher and former professor – who lives unusually, without amenities, in the city.
For enlivening religious harmony, through the innocent yet adamant questions of its seven-year-old protagonist. |
Best writing on Cinema
Best Book on Cinema
S. No. | Title of the Book | Name of the Author | Name of the Publisher | Citation |
Mouna Prathanapole (Malayalam)
Swarna Kamal and Rs. 75,000/- (Shared)
Author : S Jayachandran Nair
Kerala State Chalachitra Academy
S Jayachandra Nair’s Mounaprarthana Pole (Like A Silent Prayer) is a detailed appreciation on the cinema of auteur G Aravindan’s in a format that makes for approachable reading for both the serious cinema student and the common man. The book analyses Aravindan’s creations from the point of view of his cultural and personal backgrounds, and deals with both the filmmaker and his films.
Special Mention
In A Cult Of Their Own: Bollywood Beyond Box Office (English) | Author :Amborish Roychoudhury | Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd | IN a Cult of Their Own: Bollywood Beyond Box Office, by Amborish Roychoudhury is a unique look at various genres of Hindi cinema that fuses the serious with the tongue in cheek. The author fluidly writes on some of the cult films, including some which have acquired their legendary status because of reasons other than cinematic. This book is a fine example of how cinema criticism can transcend quality or the lack of it in cinema itself. |
Award for Best Film Critic
S. No. | Name of Critic | Language | Medal & Cash Prize | Citation |
3. | Blais Johny
Anant Vijay |
Hindi |
Swarna Kamal and Rs. 75,000/- (Shared) | The critic has written on a wide range of subjects, ranging from impact of identity & caste politics on cinema to the influence and importance of trailers, especially in the context of Tamil and Malayalam cinema. His in depth writing is well researched yet presented in a manner comprehensible to everyone.
His writing is well researched, embellished with anecdotes and is easy to read. His understanding of the contemporary socio-political nuances of Hindi cinema is reflected in his articles. |
Award for Most Film Friendly State
The Jury unanimously conferred the award for the Most Film Friendly State to the State of Uttarakhand for furthering the growth of the film industry in the State including creating an environment for ease of filming in the State, encouraging skill/talent development, incentivizing the re-opening of closed cinema halls, formation of film development fund, continuing with the earlier incentive plan for filming, formation of Utttarakhand Film Development Council among other pro-active initiatives.
The Committee noted that the amendment of the Uttarakhand Film Policy as per office memorandum/ communication date 6th February 2019 clearly highlights the above-mentioned initiatives. It also noted that the State was in the process of setting up a dedicated web portal www.udfc.gov.in for online submission for seeking permissions, payments and approvals etc. and has done away with the levy of any shooting charges.
The details of the jury member, number of entries received etc is presented below.
Feature Film Category
Awards are given in 31 different categories each year. In the Feature Films category, 419 Films were received this year. After 45 days of film screening, the eminent Jury, constituted by Ministry of I&B, selected films under various categories. The list of Jury members, along with their short Biography is as follows:
The Central Panel included 11 Members:
- Rahul Rawail (Chairman of Central Panel)– Rahul Rawail is a well-known film director whose work spans over three decades and includes 17 feature films and two TV series.
- Raj Dutt (Member of Central Panel)– Rajdutt is a director and actor, known for Aaj Jhale Mukt Mi(1986), Madhuchandra (1967) and Varhadi Ani Vajantri (1973).
- Sabyasachi mohapatra (Member of Central Panel)- Dr. Sabyasachi Mohapatra is one of the acclaimed filmmakers from Odisha. He has been a Jury Member for National Film Award, Oscar Selection Committee of India and Indian Panorama.
- Vasu Kolli (Member)- K Vasu is a Film director, writer and producer with 42 years of experience in regional cinema.
- Archana R. Singh (Member)- Prof.Archana R Singh is Chairperson of the School of Communication Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh.
- Vijaya Krishnan (Member)- Vijay Krishnan is a Film maker, film historian, novelist and short story teller. His films have won many awards and were selected to various international film festivals
- Major Ravi (Member): Major Ravi is an Indian filmmaker and actor in Malayalam cinema. He also served as a Major in the Indian Army.
- Imo Singh (Member): Imo Singh is has directed various Films, including short films for television, documentaries. He is also a member of the Film and Television Institute Society.
- Vinod Ganatra (Member): Vinod Ganatra is a filmmaker known for Harun-Arun. His DEBUT feature film HEDA-HODA (BLIND CAMEL) travelled about 58 International Film Festivals world over and won many Awards.
- B.S. Lingadevaru (Member): A Pharmacist hails from an agricultural-trading family in Karnataka. He is a well-known actor, producer and director of the small screen.
- Ashok Rane (Member): Ashok Rane is a film society activist, film critic, historian, film teacher, writer and director.
North Panel
- Major Ravi (Chairman)- Major Ravi is an Indian filmmaker and actor in Malayalam cinema. He also served as a Major in the Indian Army.
- Kuldeep Sinha (Member)- Kuldeep Sinha is a national award winning filmmaker. . He has Three anthologies to his credit
- Rahul Solapurkar (Member)- Rahul Solapurkar is an actor, known for Hanan (2004), Vajra (2017) and Ek Ratra Manterleli (1989).
- Ashok Sharan (Member)- Ashok Sharan is an advisory panel member of the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC).
- Devendra Khandelwal (Member)- Devendra Khandelwal is well known in the film and television industry as a talented producer- director of international repute.
South I Panel
- Ashok Rane (Chairman)- Ashok Rane is a film society activist, film critic, historian, film teacher, writer and director.
- Dr. B. Diwaker(Member)
- A. Karthik Raaja (Member)– A. Karthik Raaja is a cinematographer Worked for more than 40 films with reputed directors in the film industry.
- Jayaram (Member)- Jayaram Kailas is an Indian film director and ad maker.
- Shailesh Gupta (Member)- Shailesh Gupta is a Director & a Director of Photography. He has passed out from the Film & Television Institute of India (FTII). He has a Production House, ‘Shadows & Whispers’ based out of Mumbai & Delhi.
South II Panel
- Imo Singh (Chairman)- Imo Singh is has directed various Films, including short films for television, documentaries. He is also a member of the Film and Television Institute Society
- Malti Sahay (Member)- Malti Sahai is the former Director Directorate of film festivals where she served for 20 years.
She has written three books on Indian Cinema.she have been covering the International film festivals like Cannes Montreal Toronto for 20 years initially for U.N.I. and lately for ‘The Sentinel’. - MK Bhaskara Rao(Member)
- S.M Patil Member)- – S.M Patil is a kannadaFilm Director, Script & lyrics Writer, journalist.
- B Ramani(Member)- Balabhadrapatruni Ramani is a Telugu novelist, story writer and movie story-screenplay writer.
East Panel
- Vinod Ganatra (Chairman)- Vinod Ganatra is a filmmaker known for Harun-Arun. His DEBUT feature film HEDA-HODA (BLIND CAMEL) travelled about 58 International Film Festivals world over and won many Awards.
- Monalisa Mukherjee (Member)- Monalisa Mukherjee is a film producer and director based in Mumbai.
- Namasrri (Member)– Namasrri is a Kannada actress and producer.She is founder of “NEWLUKCINEMA “ production company.
- Akashaditya Lama (Member): Akashaditya lama is an Indian film director and scriptwriter based in Mumbai.
- Suraj Kumar Duwarah (Member): Suraj Duwarah is a cinematographer based in Guwahati,Assam .
West Panel
- B.S. Lingadevaru (Chairman)- B.S. Lingadevaru – A Pharmacist, hails from an agricultural-trading family in Karnataka. He is a well-known actor, producer and director of the small screen.
- Gyan Sahay (Member)- Gyan Sahay is a Film Institute (Pune) graduate specializing in Cinematography. He is known for his works on Television.
- Mahendra Teredesai (Member)- Mahendra Teredesai is a screenwriter and director known for his film ‘Dombivli Return’ which he directed in 2014
- Parag Chhapekar (Member)- Parag Chhapekar is Editor for Entertainment at Dainik Jagran.com. Earlier he has worked several media house like IBN 7, Zee News, Star News and India TV as Entertainment Head.
- Neeraj Pathak (Member)– Hailing from Ahmedabad in Gujarat, Neerraj Pathak. He is a screenwriter known for the movie ‘Pardes’.
Non-Feature Film Category
Non- Feature Film category gives out Awards in 23 Categories. A total of 256 movies were received in the Non-feature Category this year. After screening of Films for 28 days, the eminent Jury constituted by Ministry of I&B, selected films under various categories. The name of Jury members, along with their short Biography is as follows:
- A.S Kanal (Chairman): A graduate of FTII, A S Kanal has worked as a cinematographer for many ads, films, documentaries and TV programmes. He has also worked as a teacher of cinematography at FTII.
- Dhvani Desai (Member)- Dhvani Desai is a Mumbai based, International and Indian award winning animation filmmaker, curator and a poet, and in the animation field since more than 27 years.
- Rajendra Mohapatra (Member)- Rajendra Mohapatra A first batch of non-linear editors,efficient in all formats and platforms, with a career spanning 21years ,edited more than 500 corporate,short&feature films,documentariesand 2000 episode of TV Serials.
- Chetan Mathur (Member)- Chetan Mathur is a Film maker, Writer, Director, Journalist & Educationist.Written & Directed over 500 Documentaries, Travelogues, Advertisement films, Promos & Short films.
- B.R Srivatsa (Member) – Srivatsa B. R is an accredited photographer for over 3 decades and has worked with various national and international corporate leaders and organizations. He has a keen interest in Cinema.
- Vandana Kohli (Member): Vandana Kohli is a filmmaker, musician and writer. She is also the Board of Governors for the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT).
- Atul Gangawar (Member): Atul Gangawar is a Producer-Writer-Director and member of FILM WRITERS ASSOCIATION (MUMBAI) and INDIAN FILM AND TELEVISION DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION (MUMBAI)
Best Writing on Cinema
For the category of Best writing on Cinema, awards are given in 2 Categories. A total of 22 books and 19 Articles were received under Best Writing on Cinema, for the category of Film writing and Critics. The Jury comprised of 3 members.
- Utpal Borpujari (Chairman): Utpal Borpujari is a National Film Award winning film critic and filmmaker. He won national award for his debut feature film ‘Ishu’.
- Mohan Raman– He made his debut in the 1991 Tamil film Idayam. Raman is one of the most popular character actors in television and has done more than 6000 television episodes on the series Chinna Pappa Periya Pappa.
- Yatindra Mishra: Yatindra Mishra is an Indian poet, editor, music and cinema scholar.
Most Film Friendly State
An eminent jury chaired by acclaimed filmmaker Shri Ramesh Sippy comprising of renowned filmmaker Shri Vivek Agnihotri, and Shri Uday Singh, India Representative, Motion Picture Association of America, recommended the recipient of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting’s prestigious award namely, the Most Film FriendlyState (MFFS) Award 2018. The MFFS Award is executed by the Film Facilitation Office (FFO) of the Ministry of I&B on behalf of the Ministry, and is being given under the aegis of the National Film Awards.