
What is “Ram” for a Fauji kid!

What is “Ram” for a Fauji kid! एक फौजी बच्चे के लिए “राम” क्या है!

_As a fauji kid growing up in 60s and 70s in the Army Cantonents, I am quite familiar with Ram. Kids of my generation grew up hearing *‘Ram-Ram Saab’* every day, number of times. Everybody greeted everybody else with *Ram Ram.*_

_सैन्य छावनियों में 60 और 70 के दशक में पले-बढ़े एक फौजी बच्चे के रूप में, मैं राम से काफी परिचित हूं। मेरी पीढ़ी के बच्चे हर दिन, कई बार *’राम-राम साब’* सुनते हुए बड़े हुए हैं। सभी ने एक दूसरे को *राम राम* कहकर अभिवादन किया।

Ram was an indistinguishable part of our lives. Superseded only by Krishna during Janmashtami once a year when the Unit Mandir function was the big event in the calendar.

राम हमारे जीवन का अभिन्न अंग थे। वर्ष में केवल एक बार जन्माष्टमी के दौरान कृष्ण का स्थान लिया जाता था, जब यूनिट मंदिर समारोह कैलेंडर में सबसे बड़ा कार्यक्रम होता था।

Today when I get lectures on Ram Mandir on X (Twitter) and Whatsapp etc. and abuses for my views on Secularism in the country, my mind goes back several decades to an incident.

आज जब मुझे एक्स (ट्विटर) और व्हाट्सएप आदि पर राम मंदिर पर व्याख्यान मिलते हैं और देश में धर्मनिरपेक्षता पर मेरे विचारों के लिए गालियां मिलती हैं, तो मेरा दिमाग कई दशकों पीछे की एक घटना पर चला जाता है।

I was in Class VII or VIII when I prayed to God to give me good grades to pass out top of the class. I pledged all my savings in my ‘piggy bank’ in return for the favour. My father was commanding a unit which, like most other Units in the Army, had all ethnicities and had all Religious Praying places in one complex called Sarv Dharm Sthal.

मैं सातवीं या आठवीं कक्षा में था जब मैंने भगवान से प्रार्थना की कि वह मुझे कक्षा में अव्वल आने के लिए अच्छे ग्रेड दे। मैंने इस उपकार के बदले में अपनी सारी बचत अपने ‘गुल्लक’ में गिरवी रख दी। मेरे पिता एक ऐसी इकाई की कमान संभाल रहे थे, जिसमें सेना की अधिकांश अन्य इकाइयों की तरह, सभी जातियाँ थीं और सभी धार्मिक प्रार्थना स्थल एक ही परिसर में थे, जिसे *सर्व धर्म स्थल’ कहा जाता था।

Come result day and God granted me my wish. Sure enough, I headed to the Sarv Dharm Sthal with my Life’s Savings from my piggy bank in my pockets to honour my part of the deal.

Munnaswamy Bhaiyya, (Dad’s Buddy), escorted me. We arrived at the Sarv Dharam Sthal. The Gurdwara was locked but the Mandir next door was open.

Swami Bhaiya said *“Baba, All Bhagwan ek hi hota. Paisa idhar me daal do.”*

I agreed excitedly without an iota of any hesitation. The promise was fulfilled in the Mandir with all my Life’s Savings offered to that ‘One God’.

_(On becoming an Officer myself, much later, I also learnt that all Offerings in the various temples in a Sarv Dharm Sthal went into the same Religious Fund Ledger and were collectively utilised for upkeep and all religious functions of the entire Sarv Dharm Sthal as one Entiry.)_

When we got home after my appointment with God, Mom and Dad were having Tea in the verandah. Mom asked me if I had honoured my part of the agreement with God. I told them the Gurdwara was closed so we put it in the Mandir Golak and gave them the Mandir Prasad. Both smiled. It was evident from their loving gaze how happy and proud they were.

That *Ram* belonged to all of Us. Anne Auntie used to sing Bhajans in the Unit Mandir and Shabads in the Gurudwara on special occasions while Jacob Uncle played violin alongside.

We used to look forward to the Christmas because Anne and Maria Aunties baked the best cakes and candys in the world.

Today, during my morning walk, I overheard two small children in the Park talking about the much hyped about Ram Mandir Ceremony on TV. The Hindu boy was worried that since Ram was going to be placed at that far off place, will Ram cease to live in our own Colony Temple. The other, a small Sikh boy, soothed him and assuaged his worries by assuring him that Ram can live everywhere, so says BebeJi, his Nani who utters Ram Naam so many times while singing her Shabad Gurbani from Guru Granth Sahib.

And then he adds his own innocent belief by saying _“In any case, Ram will still be available close by, in the Guru Ram Das Gurdwara Sahib close to our School.”_

और फिर वह यह कहते हुए अपना मासूम विश्वास जोड़ता है कि “किसी भी स्थिति में, राम अभी भी हमारे स्कूल के पास गुरु राम दास गुरुद्वारा साहिब में उपलब्ध होंगे।”

India is summed up in this one Sentiment when a Hindu old man in a village meets his Muslim neighbor in the street on the day of the Eid and goes, “Ishfaq Bhai, tanne Eid wali Ram Ram. Khuda khair Karen!”

भारत को इस एक वाक्य में संक्षेपित किया गया है जब एक गांव में एक हिंदू बूढ़ा आदमी ईद के दिन सड़क पर अपने मुस्लिम पड़ोसी से मिलता है और कहता है, “इश्फाक भाई, तन्ने ईद वाली राम राम। ख़ुदा खैर करें!

That was and will remain, MY INDIA, and NOBODY has the RIGHT to take it away from ME….

वह मेरा भारत था और रहेगा, और किसी को भी उसे मुझसे छीनने का अधिकार नहीं है..


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